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Feline Pancreatitis. Diagnosis, Treatment, and Outcomes: Are We Getting Any Better?
Celeste Clements, DVM, DACVIM (SAIM)
- Date: Wednesday 5th February
- Time: 19:30-20:30
Feline Parasites on the Move: The Impact of Travel and Climate Change
Diego Esteban, DVM, Acre. AVEPA Med Fel
- Date: Wednesday 5th March
- Time: 19:30-20:30
Tricks for tricky ears: Treatment, complications and management of chronic otitis
Ariane Neuber, DrMedVet CertVD DECVD MRCVS EBVS & RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology
Marta Costa, DVM EBVS Specialist in Veterinary Clinical Pathology
- Date: Wednesday 2nd April
- Time: 19:30-20:30
Oldies but goodies - Making the most out of your senior screening profiles in dogs and cats
Hilarie Jerauld, DVM
Oskar Mongstad Løken, DVM
- Date: Tuesday 8th April
- Time: 11:30-12:30
Blood Morphology Matters: Common Clinically Significant Findings Haematology Numbers (And Dot Plots) Might Miss
Emma Dewhurst, MA VetMB, FRCPath, DipECVCP, MRCVS
- Date: Wednesday 7th May
- Time: 19:30-20:30