
Alertys milk pregnancy testing

Pregnancy diagnosis through routine milk testing.

  • Maximize cow comfort: non-invasive, less stress for the cows
  • Test with minimal effort as part of your routine milk control
  • 99% accuracy¹ from day 28
  • Optimise reproductive efficiency

Minimal labour, minimal expense, maximum benefit.

The most productive cow is a stress-free cow. That's why we've developed an alternative to the conventional pregnancy testing that is better for the cow and more convenient for the farmer.

The Alertys Milk Pregnancy Test is a convenient pregnancy diagnosis for dairy cows. Simple and greater than 99% accurate,¹ it uses the same milk you collect for your routine milk recording. You can also use self-sampling pots and have them posted directly to your milk recording organisations (this option is only available to some milk recording organisations).

  • No additional work is needed.
  • No extra handling, no separate testing.
  • No extra stress – for your cows, or for you.

The ideal solution for your entire operation.


  • Test via routine milk recording, no extra work
  • Intermediate sampling to get maximum results from early pregnancy testing
  • Re-check made easier
  • Reduce calving intervals
  • Save up to 5 €/day per cow2


  • Non-invasive test
  • No rectal exam or palpation needed
  • Maximize comfort and minimize risk


  • Increase work safety and boost efficiency
  • Target attention on non-pregnant cows
  • More time for herd health plans and relationship with the farm

What customers are saying.

"The test’s biggest benefit is that we’re no longer having to handle the cattle. It’s one less job, it’s non-invasive, and it’s stress-free both for the herd and our team at a busy time of year, which also has the added workload of TB testing."

Christopher James

1200 cows, UK

"When we test our cows using the Alertys Milk Pregnancy Test at 28 days and again at 75 days, we are happy that we no longer need to do extra checks on our cows. Additionally, we don’t have to interfere with the cows during their feeding and milking routines."

Jorgen Sonderby

260 cows, Denmark

"It's a fast and effective method of pregnancy test, with no stress for my cows!"
Alina Lis-Rosiak
30 cows, Poland
Milking robots.

Are you using milking robots? That's even better!

The Alertys Milk Pregnancy Test comes with greater benefits when integrating with robotic farms. 

  • Pregnancy results with no need to block the cows: less stress for the cows and fewer traffic jams at the robot
  • Less somatic cells and lameness cases as cows spend less time standing and waiting
  • Early and frequent pregnancy checks result in more cows in calf and better farm profitability

Accuracy of the Alertys Milk Pregnancy Test with robots


  1. Lawson BC, Shahzad AH, Dolecheck KA, et al. A pregnancy detection assay using milk samples: evaluation and considerations. J Dairy Sci. 2014;97(10):6316-6325. doi:10.3168/jds.2014-8233
  2. French PD, Nebel RL. The simulated economic cost of extended calving intervals in dairy herds and comparison of reproductive management programs [Abstract]. J of Dairy Sci. 2003:86(suppl):54. Cited by: de Vries A, van Leeuwen J, Thatcher WW. Economics of Improved Reproductive Performance in Dairy Cattle [Publication AN156]. University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences; 2005. Accessed September 10, 2024.