IDEXX on-site water testing
IDEXX water microbiology tests allow you to test in-house for faster results and remediation while saving costs.
Reduce waterborne pathogen risk with Pseudalert and Legiolert
In-house tests for Legionella pneumophila and Pseudomonas aeruginosa provide:

Faster results

More effective remediation

More control and higher confidence

Lower costs
"The Pseudalert and Legiolert microbiological test systems from IDEXX have been designed to allow for easy, rapid testing, and comply with the appropriate UK guidelines"
Paul McDermott in the Health Estate Journal
Read the full article: In-house testing can boost the speed of response
Faster results
- Confirmed Pseudomonas aeruginosa results in 24 hours.
- Confirmed Legionella pneumophila results in 7 days
- Fast, accurate results help you find problems earlier
Control and confidence
- Sample where and when you want
- Reduce dependency on external contracted services
- Reduce issues with mishandled or lost samples
- Eliminate inconsistent results
More effective remediation
- Faster results means a faster response to the remediation cycle
- Reopen outlets and wards sooner
Cost savings
- Reduce the need for remediation
- Significant budget savings up to 45%.1
- Reduce the need for temporary control measures, such as point-of-use filters
- Test more for less
Feedback from hospitals
We were able to carry out remedial works, retest, and return outlets into use within a much shorter timespan than previously.
Paul Balaam, Senior Estates Officer, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
We wanted to make sure (Pseudalert) was as reliable, results-wise, as a lab. We took back-to-back samples, one going to the lab and one staying with us and Pseudalert. The results were impressive.
Phil Mitchell, Environmental Estates Officer, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
These tests will afford us the opportunity to increase patient safety, reduce clinical downtime as well as reduce costs.
Neville Clark, Deputy Director Facilities and Estates, Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
Can Legiolert be used for risk assessments?
Legiolert meets the HSG274 recommendation and can be used for microbiological monitoring of Legionella control measures.