
Collection and Recycling Arrangements in Norway

English | Norsk

In May 2005, Chapter One of the Waste Regulation (Avfallsforskriften) on WEEE brought Norwegian legislation into line with the WEEE Directive. It came into force on 1 July 2006. Under the Norwegian Waste Regulations in Norway, IDEXX is required to join a collective compliance system which is operated by a third party in Norway.

IDEXX has joined compliance scheme RENAS to manage all aspects of WEEE collection and recycling in Norway. Please contact RENAS below to arrange collection of the WEEE. RENAS

P.B. 268 Skøyen
0212 Oslo

Phone: +47 22 13 52 00
Fax: +47 22 13 52 07

Notice to Customers
Third Party Equipment

With respect to third-party instruments or other equipment sold by IDEXX, but which is not IDEXX-branded, please consult the equipment list on the “label recycling page”. If the equipment is included in the list on that page, then IDEXX is responsible for providing recycling instructions. If the equipment is not listed on that page, then a third party (either the manufacturer or the manufacturer’s distributor in your country) is responsible for providing any required recycling instructions. Equipment for which a third party is responsible includes, among other things, printers and computers. To obtain recycling instructions for this equipment, please visit the corresponding Web site of the relevant equipment manufacturer or otherwise contact such manufacturer. IDEXX is not responsible for recycling such third-party equipment, and the user of such equipment agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless IDEXX and its resellers and distributors from and against all claims and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of the recycling of those items.